
I finally figured out how to transfer my blog to a different account so that I don't have to sign in and out of google just to blog!  Now everything from this blog to wave is on 3.1415.in.your.eye@gmail.com 


I thought I'd post this tweet because it made me smile, but I also felt sadly empathetic as well...

Those are the peeps that brought you the amazing robo.to if you didn't know.


The great Tublr vs. Blogger debate is over in my book.  Tumblr is just fleeting images and quotes while Blogger helps capture your essence.  Well I suppose any blog like blogger would, but blogger is a google product and they have never steered me wrong before, so why change a good thing?


I love winter.  I love when it's freezing cold outside, but the sun is still shinning.  I love being able to see the air that people are breathing.  And above all I love blankets.