I'm sitting here in the parking lot of the chapel because I arrived 40 min. before the start of drill so now I finally got a couple of minutes to blog!!

I've been so MIA because I've been spending every night at work training the new night auditor from scratch. It's such a taxing process, but some had to do it. So because of all that, I don't have time to surf the interweberneterz!! Thankfully this should be the last week of training then it'll be back to the normal routine of chatting, reading blogs, watching tv online, reading rss feeds, and trying to find new music!

There's some other things I want to start doing again like maybe starting a new kdrama or jdrama and finis watching some of the animes I've already started. So many awesome things to do and so little time.

Thank goodness for this blogging app I found!

Last thing to mention before I change for drill is that it's officially one month till I leave for PI!!! *SQUEEEEKKKKK!!!*
I'm so excited, that means I have to diet and workout even harder hahaha. I really don't want to be the fat guy who has to swim with his shirt on because he's too ashamed of his man boobies.

okay.. more to come tonight! Heart you!

OH! I haven't mentioned how excited I am for Kakashi!!!!!
OMG when I read the last chapter I was freaking out with joy and surprise!! Kakashi for Hokage!!!!