The sun makes me sleepy

It was an active weekend for little ol' me.

Friday night cosmic bowling was funnn. I started using my two finger approach to get the ball to curve and now I'm a good bowler. It's weird.

We had our locale's 19th anniversary celebration on Saturday. We had it at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle, which is actually the only sand beach in Seattle. It was set up pretty nicely because we had all the chairs and food set up in the midst of this patch of trees, but the ground was still sand so we had all the shade we wanted.
Didn't do much besides eat, lay around on the beach talking, and played some volleyball. Ube cake and lechon. mmmmm yummm. not together of course.


and for the audio/visual part of my post.... a lovely short film


Cherie Faye said...

I saw that video too, somewhere...

Ube is my fave!