But I am sad to admit that I didn't accomplish my goal of being one of the first 50 people to sign-up or utilize a brand new web site =/
It turns out that www.tweetfromabove.com creates new twitter pages and so what I thought was the 27th tweet via their site was actually the 297th. Not bad, but still didn't hit my goal. Guess I just have to nerd-out harder!
I am just loving robo.to btw. You don't even understand how gay I am for that site. For cereal. Actually everything Particle brand seems wicked cool! Design, functionality, and usability are all boss with those guys seems like. I even signed up to be notified when beta testing becomes available for www.uooo.tv . They have it on the hush, but I've never been more excited for a site release! I see a t.v. and I see a bigfoot and that's all I know about the site, but they've already sold me!
RANDOM THOUGHT: I wonder what it'll be like in the future when I read the stuff I've blogged about. Maybe I'll say something like, "hahaha... Oh past RJ, your people were so funny back then with your 'www's and your '.com's. I can barely even remember before the internet became transmitted through gamma waves directly to the brain."

I thought you were the first 50 too!
How weirddddd!
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