G.I. Joe was tight. I came into the movie with super low expectations, but it accomplished what it set out to do which was entertain with a number of action sequences. All of the aspects of the story were pretty well balanced and it never really seemed to drag. oh..and snake eyes is BA.

Now on to District 9. Everyone that has seen it said it was interesting or alright, but no one was blown away for some reason and I don't understand it! I LOOOVED that movie and was more than impressed. The CGI was flawless and perfectly gritty. The story was perfect in my opinion. Some people said that beginning was slow, but it really wasn't. It kept a steady pace of background history and new information and was very well done. But the ending was insane. I literally watched with my jaw dropped and the last time that happened was during The Dark Knight. That's saying a lot.

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