I hate to admit this...but I think Apple is slipping a little. They even got the FCC on their backs about the whole apps approval process and what constitutes an acceptable app. I think Apple's really acting like a gay about Google Voice especially. Why do they even care? From my understanding it's Apple that gives out the approvals and if they allowed an EXTREMELY useful app like Google Voice, it could only help iPhone sales because it would make people who want an Android-installed phone think twice. Of course it could potentially hurt At&t, but that's what they get for their ridiculous prices on below-par service. The don't even have the fastest 3G network according to almost all the studies done on wireless carriers and don't even get me started on signal strength. Boourns to you guys.
Oh, and I never liked how the iPhone had visible screws on the bottom, near the speakers. I find it hard to believe that with all the money they put into designing the phone, they couldn't avoid the visible screws.
And lastly, the box for Snow Leopard. The past designs for OSX were catchy and fitted the nature of the OS perfectly I thought, but now it's very meh.

The eye of Sauronnnnnn!
Also, you're totally right about the design!
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