The Start

For some reason I'm getting tan even though the only sunshine I see are the beams of light that pierce through my window blinds to reveal the dance of textured air.

I'm hoping this summer quarter of school will force me outside more so I can soak up the look of life with my skin. All because I live like a vampire doesn't mean I have to look like one.

If my upcoming weekend is any indication of how this summer is going to be, then your looking at a very happy guy =)

Friday - Meet up with the quality Everett people watch Transformers 2 in the morning, eat then we're all going to watch Year one in the afternoon, then go to the baptism at night.

Saturday - Perform for the Baccalaureate service since it's being held in Everett, hang out with people during the midday, choir practice in the afternoon, then guard by myself at night.

Sunday - The normal 7 and 11 services and another practice, and then some sweet, sweet sleep before work.

It's the perfect weekend ^_^