I'm hoping this summer quarter of school will force me outside more so I can soak up the look of life with my skin. All because I live like a vampire doesn't mean I have to look like one.
If my upcoming weekend is any indication of how this summer is going to be, then your looking at a very happy guy =)
Friday - Meet up with the quality Everett people watch Transformers 2 in the morning, eat then we're all going to watch Year one in the afternoon, then go to the baptism at night.
Saturday - Perform for the Baccalaureate service since it's being held in Everett, hang out with people during the midday, choir practice in the afternoon, then guard by myself at night.
Sunday - The normal 7 and 11 services and another practice, and then some sweet, sweet sleep before work.
It's the perfect weekend ^_^
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