Giant Joys #2

Sweet Smelling Armpits

I spend a lot of time in the same church cloths on Sundays and because of that my white undershirts always become pretty moist in the armpit regions by the end of the day.  It's eight hours or running around and getting stuff done in layers of cloths.

And you know it's so hard to tell what you actually smell like throughout the day, and it's even something you typically don't think about.  So it's embarrassing when you get home and realize you built up some major funk throughout the day.

But in contrast to that regrettable discovery at the end of the day is the sweet and satisfying revelation that your armpit is blasting minty freshness as opposed to garlic and durian.  It doesn't happen every time, but when it does you feel like you conquered the day with grace and style.  When you look back on the activities that transpired it's like watching a feel-good movie with a fairytale ending!
So thank you to all of those deodorants that work.  You are the makers of self-confidence.