Pizza Time

Not much to talk about today.  Just want to keep the blogging spirit alive!!

OH!.... actually.....

On Wednesdays we have our choir practice right after service.  My mom is a finance officer so she stays later after service ends as well.  So near the end of our practice we went down to the pews in the very back to practice the march for Thanksgiving, but as we all got to our places in the back, my mom opens up the doors to the main sanctuary and goes
"RJ!  I brought you pizza!"
"Whaaa? Mom..what?"
"Where's your keys? I have pizza for you."
At this point I was bright red because my mom wouldn't stop whisper-yelling at me and it was actually kind of holding up practice.  Thankfully I always leave my car unlocked at church since people always seem to need stuff from it, so I just told her it was unlocked and then she left.
Everyone either laughed really hard, or went, "Awwww!"

Love my mom.



Cherie Faye said...

You are uber tall!

Oh and I love my Mommy tooz. They're the best <3