
Want to know a secret?

I can make AND receive calls for free using my google voice number on my iphone.

Oh, i can also send and receive free text messages with my GV account through my iphone AND still get notifications for each text even though the GV Mobile app doesn't support push notification.

all together now....


It basically goes like this... GV to Gizmo to VoIP + Background + VoIPover3G

pretty sweeeeeet.


So this is a crazy month. Last week we had a mass choir practice in Seattle, then this Friday there's a regional LEM with all the southern locales, but the northern ones have to perform in it. Then the next morning is the Kadiwa special gathering in Everett, then we have a locale LEM later that night. Then the weekend after that is the Kadiwa formal on Friday night and then Everett's performing for the baptism this month in Seattle. I think there's some more stuff going on, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.


Sadly enough....i feel like this is something i'd totally do