Freddie and I got approved for our apartment today. YAY
Gunna be living in a nice neighborhood with plenty of places to eat around me. It's all about the food!
Now I get to buy furniture and stuff!
So this week's Naruto was pretty good! I was "WHHHAAAA????" when I saw the scene displayed above. I got so excited!!!
But then i was let down because she's not being sincere about it. Naruto should just get with Hinata already because she's way cute and completely in love with him. Sakura obviously has a thing for bad guys. Typical.
Oh, and formal is happening today. uhhhhhhhhh
not really looking forward to it. I hope the room is poorly lit and the corners are comfy enough to hide in.
So I survived the weekend! There were so many things going on I could barely keep up. If I wasn't performing for something, I'd be out with Everett people celebrating birthdays and whatnot. Very good times.
Too bad I'm really behind on my homework and didn't turn a lot of assignments in this week. I wouldn't be surprised all three of my classes dropped a full letter grade. Whatever. My cares and thoughts are dedicated to more important things in life. Plus I'm sure I can raise them back up in time. No worries.
But wow, I need some recovery sleep. a solid 10 hours at the least. forreal.
what a good day. I only got an hour of sleep, but it was worth it.
so I picked up Cristal from the airport and that was cool cuz i haven't seen her in about 4 years. So we just chilled at southcenter mall with jonave since he got a ride with me to the regional GEM.
"So ate Cristal... if you didn't have a boyfriend would you go for kuya RJ?" wow..good job asking the single most awkward question possible. What's your reasoning behind asking such an embarrassing question?
"What? I was just trying to break the silence." Cool Jonave.
Then we performed in the GEM and it was a great success!! The place was super full of visitors which was an awesome thing to see. The only problem was that I was right behind the minister and could be seen by the camera for the big screen so I couldn't move at all. My shoulders started throbbing in pain... from the marrow of my bones all the way to the outer layers of my skin. It was a little rough.
But after the GEM it was cool because I finally got to talk to a lot of the people I've been missing. And it turns out a few girls are into me which doesn't hurt either.
But right now I'm going to sleep. I'm so tired. I wonder what it's like to be a normal person? I'd probably sleep more but i'm glad i'm not normal. oh yea..that reminds me. I miss my friends from shoreline cuz we can have super-extensive convos about anime, manga, and kdramas! aahhhhh they're soo cool!!
If only I could talk about the thoughts that run through my head everyday. Maybe I'll try to express myeself my true feelings through some of the art I find online. Pictures mostly. Videos and music are great, don't get me wrong, but feel like pictures are more expressive and hit the senses in a way filled with greater expression.
Plus I'm just to shy to say.
Oh, earlier today my mom and I were driving home from bible study and she goes,
"How do you find North if there's no sun?"
Then I told her you use a compass to find magnetic north.
"Well what if you don't have a magnet, and the sun isn't there?" (meaning the sun didn't exist)
I told her that I didn't think there was a way to find out which was was North.
I can make AND receive calls for free using my google voice number on my iphone. Oh, i can also send and receive free text messages with my GV account through my iphone AND still get notifications for each text even though the GV Mobile app doesn't support push notification.
all together now....
It basically goes like this... GV to Gizmo to VoIP + Background + VoIPover3G
pretty sweeeeeet.
So this is a crazy month. Last week we had a mass choir practice in Seattle, then this Friday there's a regional LEM with all the southern locales, but the northern ones have to perform in it. Then the next morning is the Kadiwa special gathering in Everett, then we have a locale LEM later that night. Then the weekend after that is the Kadiwa formal on Friday night and then Everett's performing for the baptism this month in Seattle. I think there's some more stuff going on, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.
Sadly enough....i feel like this is something i'd totally do
Okay, so we were playing pictionary for a guest appreciation night at church, and here was Gerald's try...
Least appropriate pic for a church activity ever. The word was "pointer".
And here's a weird dream...
I was at a place (school i think) and then I ran into the first girl that I really had a crush on in junior high school. Well I took her outside to talk and she started yelling at me for liking her all that time. It wasn't for liking her w/o telling her, it was just for liking her in general. Well the whole time she was yelling at me, I was really happy. It was that feeling of a very "first love"where it seems so refreshing and liberating. (My thoughts on love have changed in the past few years and I now think there's really only one "true love" in a person's life and everything else is a lesser alteration of the pure feeling and I think that most people just settle for one of those lesser versions and just don't know it).
Well what I took from that dream was that I haven't felt that kind of feeling in a long time. It's scary now. Optimism has been so cruel to me over the years and because of that I've suppressed even the most timid of emotions. So where do I go from here?
Online classes are waaaay to cake. They usually give 90min. to take the tests online, and because of that I don't even need to read the text. I just search for key words in my E-book and tadah! I feel like i'm cheating, but really I'm just smart.... and that's what school's about right?
Besides that I got so many things to keep up with! Uncharted 2 comes out next week and it's suppose to be the best single-player game ever according to all of the reviews. I have the multiplayer demo right now and it's magical.
I meant to simply walk by again and I thought I had, except suddenly I was standing at the edge of the Taheris' white tablecloth, staring at Soraya across curling irons and old neckties. She looked up... "Can I ask what you're reading?" She blinked. I held my breath. Suddenly, I felt the collective eyes of the flea market Afghans shift to us. I imagined a hush falling. Lips stopping in midsentence. Heads turning. Eyes narrowing with keen interest.
One of my constant goals is to grow as a person and discover what's best for myself and those around. Sometimes I have to do things that break my heart, but they're best for others in the long run. 10/5 was tough.
But on a similar note, I think I'm a happier individual in general. How I know this?
So I've been busy trying to keep up with school. Thankfully I can get a good portion done at work, but still... it's hard to sit down a concentrate there.
My body feels like it's comprised of soft-serve ice cream so I'm trying to add some prison workouts into my routine everyday. I'm pretty sure prison workouts plus a reduced calorie diet is recommended by the American Heart Association so yay!
Hmmm...what to give you... oh yeah, my new youtube crush. All I gotta say is that she sings stuff like Gravity, Dream, and Thinking of You. Doesn't get too much better than that.