I'm complicated, yet simple.
I like to ride the
I am a lover of music and cannot live without my
I always try to get my moneys worth at places like
I hate the thought of putting unnatural stuff in my body like food additives, preservatives, and stuff even as simple as Advil
My favorite store is
My heart truly goes out to the less fortunate and those who can't help themselves
I try to have fun and enjoy each moment
My bedroom window faces east, so I leave my blinds open every night so that I can wake up to
I'm an aspiring fighter
NO...not that UFC, this one.....
I like to observe and take in the moment
I drink a lot of
I don't think anything is more awsomer than being outside around 2 AM and just looking at the
I'm hoping I get a job as a
I love every single one of my
I even love my
I watch a little too much
I believe kids need role models
This is what my peepee looks like
If I'm really thirsty I drink
This is what I spend most of my time in front of
But this is what I'm always keeping my mind on
Are you secretly my soul brother? Because I love whole foods!
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