Then I experienced the most painful. shower. ever.
It wasn't that big, but my inner thigh has never experienced such a piercing pain. Not kosher.
That wasn't the worst part of the shower though...
I'm trying to get in shape for the torchlight run and so I decided that it would be a good idea to do a distance run once a week.
This was my first week and I learned that I need new gear.
I ran seven miles around the burke gilman trail in an hour and 10 minutes. Not bad being my first long run in forever, and having both of my shoes digging into the back of my ankles.
That's a true time too, I keeps it real yo. Lying is a no no.
It's a good thing that I run barefoot on the treadmill otherwise my stupid ankles would never heal before next week.
A few things have to happen before I feel totally confident for the event in July. The first is I need to stop running in the bball shoes that I bought for last year's sportsfest. The second is that I need to literally drop 50 pounds. I dont' known how much I weigh right now, but I need to be that minus 50. And the last thing is that I need new cloths to run in so that I don't get ugly tan lines =P
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