Did it again.
Posted by rarrjay at 4:57 AM
what an awesome rendition on Glee!
Posted by rarrjay at 1:53 AM
I watched ninja assassin over the weekend and man... I loved the movie. It had some of the best martial arts scenes I've seen in a while because they were continuous shots that allowed you to see every movement clearly. The effects were super tight..and so was their re-imagining of what a ninja is. Rain is friggin amazingly ripped. And the thing is that he was trained by the same guys who trained the spartans from 300. So I went to that specific gym's website and I'm so motivated now. I'm gunna train as hard as I can and have as strict of a diet as possible simply to prove to myself that I'm strong-minded enough to accomplish high goals. I'll make a photo timeline when I'm finished. That might not be till the end of Feb. since my vacation is only a month away.
Posted by rarrjay at 10:51 PM
First off let me just say that my mom make THE BEST stuffing ever. That's not even an overstatement. I've had a lot of other stuffings in my years, but nothing comes close to my mom's.
So I guess the highlight of the night was how well everyone was getting a long. My sister and I were acting like loving siblings, my dad was being joking around and was cheerful, and I even talked to my aunt who I haven't spoken with in two years.
Something I noticed is how much I really do appreciate my dad and everything he's done for our family. After I moved out I had a little time to reminisce about my life at the parent's house and it made me realize how unappreciative I've been towards my dad and everything he's provided us. He's always been a hard worker and very strict, yet fair, father and for that I am so very grateful. Even though we don't communicate very openly with each other, I know how much he cares.
I love my dad very much.
Oh.... so I called this girl a few minutes ago who I've only called once before, but her and I have a little history I suppose you could say. Well I called and left her a message because she didn't pick up, then I went to check my facebook afterwards and happened to notice her update on my news feed from 30min. before I called it said how she wishes that she had someone to talk to and fall asleep with on the phone....so now I'm like CRAPPPP!!!! Now she's going to think that I read her status update BEFORE I called and I was just calling to try to swoop in and try to be the guy who fills in the missing piece of her life! Dangit! hahahahhahah
I love Thanksgiving!
Posted by rarrjay at 3:16 AM
1. HIYAAAAAA!!!!!!
Posted by rarrjay at 4:59 AM
I haven't been as cheerful lately simply because I've been so tired. I need a normal sleeping schedule.
Posted by rarrjay at 4:19 AM
I said coffee!!! No one can drink you. silly koffing.
It's just crazy how everyone is so addicted to coffee that most can't even function properly without it. That's really sad actually because they're basically addicts.
Keeping your body clean and free from dependence to other things in this world is what I'm all about. I don't even like advil for headaches, nor do I take anything for flues and colds. I think it's all about diet, sleep, and exercise to help promote self-healing.
I was on robo.to one day and I lost my internet signal and then this popped up...
Posted by rarrjay at 2:06 PM
A while back a said that my favorite food store is Whole Foods, but it turns out that it's acctually not. Well not any more. It was a long time ago until I found out about Trader Joe's.
Trader Joe's keeps it real. Like 75% of the stuff in the store is their own brand so they skip the fancy packaging and all the other blah blah blah that goes along w/ a place like whole foods. That means more green goes into my belly w/o a ton of green leaving my wallet. (side note: I don't actually have a wallet. I have a little holder for two credit cards and an ID cuz who uses cash anywayz?)
I hate milk, but it's so good for you so I only drink organic milk since the thought of hormones in my food disturbs me.
Have you ever tried a soy green tea latte at starbucks? Prettaaaay gooood!
Posted by rarrjay at 2:44 AM
back to blogging. It's been a busy weekend.
Thursday night I worked all night, then after work I spent all day Friday packing and started moving stuff into the apartment. Then bible study Friday night, then more moving in after that. Saturday I woke up super early and helped Freddie move his stuff and then moved the rest of my belongings up until 2pm because I had to leave to pick up 4 other people and then drove an hour up north to perform for Mt. Vernon's GEM
I was so impressed with them though! Not only did they have a lot more visitors than what Everett normally has, but they had a lot better food and a lot more of it!! Makes me want to transfer!! haha j/k
So yeah! Now i'm just waiting for my leaning bookshelf to arrive and then I'll be pretty much set! Still gotta decorate the walls... so pictures will come later i guess.
I've been coming across a lot of pictures online that I feel strong connections with so I'm gunna start sharing a few of those.
A Little Formal
Posted by rarrjay at 10:18 AM
Bonnie messaged me and asked what I was doing in this pic and my answer is...
Explaining to someone the proper technique for running through an abandoned city full of zombies while holding a shotgun of course.
Posted by rarrjay at 4:55 AM
oh life...
Pizza Time
Posted by rarrjay at 3:11 AM
OH!.... actually.....
On Wednesdays we have our choir practice right after service. My mom is a finance officer so she stays later after service ends as well. So near the end of our practice we went down to the pews in the very back to practice the march for Thanksgiving, but as we all got to our places in the back, my mom opens up the doors to the main sanctuary and goes
"RJ! I brought you pizza!"
"Whaaa? Mom..what?"
"Where's your keys? I have pizza for you."
At this point I was bright red because my mom wouldn't stop whisper-yelling at me and it was actually kind of holding up practice. Thankfully I always leave my car unlocked at church since people always seem to need stuff from it, so I just told her it was unlocked and then she left.
Everyone either laughed really hard, or went, "Awwww!"
Love my mom.
Posted by rarrjay at 1:45 AM
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for dreaming and working towards goals, but regret is something I don't usually experience unless it's in a religious sense... like regretting and being ashamed about the sins I've committed.
Everything else in life isn't important enough to regret.
Screw you Moulin Rouge. I hate you for making me love you so much!
I need to buy this movie on blue ray because it's one of my all-time favorites!!
It's so tight when he get's to the word "green"....
"But well the thing is,
what I really mean...
Something Off
Posted by rarrjay at 11:23 AM
It's my heart, you see.
I can feel it beating again, but it's not for the person I expected.
What can I do to stop this?
There's only one solution, but it involves talking to someone I haven't spoken to in five years, humility, and maybe some ice cream. Because ice cream fixes everything.
Posted by rarrjay at 10:01 PM
Posted by rarrjay at 2:26 AM
One for the Books.
Posted by rarrjay at 3:55 AM
My mom woke me up around 4:30pm today and told me that an old friend that I grew up all throughout my school years was waiting outside to talk to me. So I went out side in my white V-neck t-shirt, shorts, and black socks, and old dress shoes that I never wear anymore.
I shock his hand and said it was nice to see him, and he almost instantly replied,
"Yea man. Do you know why I'm here?"
"No. I have no idea"
which I really didn't. I started wondering why he would ask a question like that when he knows that I don't keep in touch with anyone from school. Well the answer to that question would become clear soon enough.
Him: "okay, let's walk and we'll talk"
"so the reason why I'm here is because I had a dream. Well I've been having a lot of dreams, but now I'm being sent here to talk to you."
Yes you read right. And so the madness unfolds....
Him: "So basically I've been dreaming of all the people from high school and I also have this feeling that I'm suppose to be in France within a month. I think I'm suppose to ask you if you want to go to France. Well you see, I think there's going to be a hail storm within a month here in this area and many people are going to die from the hail because it's going to be so big. So during that time I'm suppose to be in France. I don't know why yet, but I know that I'm suppose to leave to France soon. Also in like 2021 I'm suppose to be in Japan to meet a girl that I'm going to have kids with. I don't know man. I've visited all the other people from my dreams..."
He then went on to describe his conversations with a variety of people that we both grew up with and spent most of our school years with, which leads me to a background story...
A couple of years ago his longtime childhood best friend (who i've known since kindergarten) did on Mt. Rainer in a snow avalanche. Well they were best friends their whole lives and so of course it was tough for him.
After he talked about his visits to some of our other friends, he then told me about his dream with our friend who died. In this dream he was being lead by our friend who died, but then our friend turned out to be the devil and then my friend telling the story ended up killing him. (sorry, i'm trying to leave actual names out of this)
So then he went on explaining a few more dreams and how they lead him to his visit with me. He didn't really know why he had to visit me, but he just knew he did.
Basically the situation he described himself to be in was that he was to follow his dreams, and with the knowledge from those he was to choose to follow two different paths. One path was considered "good" and the other "dark", but those are only descriptive words that don't fully define what he was talking about.
After his stories and all that I was freezing cold because the sun was starting to go down and all I was wearing was a t-shirt and shorts. I was hoping I could share my thoughts and be done, but nope.
Keep in mind that I was analyzing everything from the general stories he was telling down to his individual word choices.
So after listening to him for a good 30min., I told him to follow the darker path. Now the reason behind my answer is just as complicated as the stories that proceeded it, but my instincts are very sharp and I knew that whatever path that was, it would be better than his attempt to save the world.
Him: "You know, it's interesting that you say that. Because at first [our friend who died] was the good path, but then in my dream he turned out to be the devil, so for you to say that is very interesting. Maybe that's why I was suppose to talk to you."
From there I started asking him about the ends that this journey of his entails.
Him: "Basically everything is going to go to shit. The money crises is going to get worse first off, then people are gunna struggle to survive and raping and pillaging each other. Then there's going to be a nuclear attack on America...by China I think. I'm not sure. But then everyone's going to be put into concentration camps here and we'll all just be slaves forced to do manual labor since technology will basically be all messed up. That's why I'm suppose to be in France since they're going to take a more neutral stance and not be attacked."
"So what part do you have in all of this?"
"Well basically I have a choice to follow my dreams and go do whatever I'm suppose to do, which I'm not sure about yet so that things don't turn out like that. You see, people need to start realizing that they have the power to make decisions for themselves and not give into the box they they were born into. If they break free from the box and start thinking for themselves and caring about others, then this whole thing will be resolved. Everyone is greedy and selfish and don't realize the every action, and even word, affects everyone else around them and in turn, shape the entire world's future."
This then became a discussion on the theoretical empowerment of individuals, how physiology does more harm than good because it's basically directing people into boxes again, and how religion is a bunch of crap to him.
That then lead me to ask, "What do you think happens after you die then?"
"Okay, so you might think this is weird, but the world didn't start off as 3-D. You and I are 3-D, but before us there this race that transcended 3-D, but they eventually evolved into 3-D, but were enslaved by a reptilian race which was greedy for gold. That is why people feel such a strong connection with the lost city of Atlantis. That was actually a gateway from the 3-D to the other dimensions of existence. And you know aliens, the reason why you rarely see them is because they're interdenominational, and if they're here to long they start to materialize to 3-D and get stuck here."
His explanation continued on for a long time and didn't really go anywhere until he said after you die, you get stuck and have to fix all the crap that you did wrong in your life.
Him: "That's why I was saying that people need to become individuals and start living good lives in a way that is harmonious with everyone else. It's not just so that the human race can survive, but also so that you don't have to fix everything after you die. It's a lot easier to fix stuff now while we're still "matter" as opposed to later after our bodies are gone and we transcend this existence."
"Your basically explaining a religion."
"It's not a religion because it's not a bunch of rules to live by, it's the realization of the individual and how that THEY are power."
At the end, it all boiled down to people breaking the mold of thought that we're all born into and realizing the true power of individual thoughts. I can't really knock him for that idea.
I listened to him for about 90% of the time and only talked about 10% because I'm a listener and I don't like to start arguments.
Me: "Okay, so how about this. You said the killer hail storm will come within the month. I'll give you two months and if it doesn't happen then you call me."
The reason I said this is because I could totally see what he was trying to get at while explaining how people should live their lives. I also understood why he thought religions were stupid because all he's ever seen is people doing evil deeds and still thinking they're being accepted and will be saved by a higher power. He made good points in those respects, but that's also why after those two months he'll probably be even more confused and lost. I treated all of his ideas with respect, I didn't judge him, and I gave my honest thoughts. After the two months pass and there's no killer hail storm, he'll probably call and me more lost than ever.
Me: "How do you know all these things about the afterlife the beginnings of time?"
"I just know. I can't explain it. I just do."
"But how?"
"I just do."
"But where's your proof? You need some sort of evidence to back up and base your ideas on."
That's when I'll invite him to church and just ask him to be as open minded to the belief's of the Church as much as I was to his theories and ideas.
There was so much more, but the rest was just indescribable I suppose.
You'll always be the one for me.
Posted by rarrjay at 5:23 AM
It's escentially a very detailed diary of your everyday life.
Great set up and it really is a very usable site... but it's created a bit of confusion inside of me.
I would love to start using because it has almost everything I need to document my life all in one place, but to what end? If I'm going to have something on the internet that I'll be survived by, I'd rather it be this blog in combination with some sort of picture/video archiving site. Oh, and my twitter (twitter.com/rarrjay). *shameless promotion*
That just means I need to pay more attention this blog! Expect an extensive jazzing-up. Maybe some kitties as a background and some flashing diamond fonts that say "Welcome to my page!". RIP Geocities.
Today was an odd day. People I don't even usually talk to on a daily basis started messaging me with issues. I guess today's theme was "Romance? eh." Today reminded me of how much I love Aika and Krizced. They're twins...but completely different in so many ways. Well the one thing they both like a little too much are quotes about love, that's for sure.
(dang...oooold school pic)

I can't forget to proclaim to the world that Cherie Elizabeth is the bee's knees, like a hanky for your sneeze, or recycling for the trees, so sometimes I just think geez... how much cooler can you beeeeeeezzz?
And so to celebrate my reaffirmed love for blogging... here's one of Clarissa's (pictured above as well) favorite pics of me. It's the tiny-armed T-Rex pose.
Posted by rarrjay at 5:58 PM

So I have a friend. and my friend sort of likes a girl. and they've knoown each other for a long time and this and that. but one day my friend asked the girl if she likes taylor swift and she said not really. well that answer made my friend really think twice about liking the girl. is that weird? because how can you NOT like taylor swift. love song. you belong with me. those are my jams! i mean my friend's jams.
Dumb guest
Posted by rarrjay at 5:16 AM
She came up to the front desk and asked me questions about the room next to her because she could hear him talking in a different language. She was like, "i dunno what they're speaking...Chinese, Japanese, Indian... Chinese are okay...are they Chinese?"
and THAT was when I started getting frustrated with her ignorance.

She then started to assume the room was packed full of middle eastern terrorists. I'm not even exaggerating because that's what she said.
I assured her that he's okay and told her that he's stayed with us before and her reply was, "Scoping out the place."
If I punch a stupid person in the head, do you think the potential brain damage from the blow could possibly make them smarter?
Posted by rarrjay at 4:57 AM
The weird thing is that I relate to Dexter so much. It's kind of scary.
He talks a lot about being detached from society, having a heart of ice, trying to act normal even though he knows he's not, etc. He's also very observant of human behavior, noticing patterns in people from a distance.
So I guess if you ever wanted to understand how my mind works, watch Dexter. The only difference is that I don't kill people....

Posted by rarrjay at 2:17 AM

I'm experiencing another one of those sensory overloads again.
New web sites just make me SOOOO excitied!!!
I'll wait till the year-end draws closer to talk about my favorites, but yea.. it's been a good year for the internetz.
Posted by rarrjay at 2:47 AM
It's been a LONG time since I've heard her voice.
It's a lot sweeter than I remember.
I was having doubts, but now my thoughts are completely scattered.
Not too much else I can do except see how things play out.
At least I got the first phone call over with.
Now I have to work on the second one.
Be cool Icecold.

Posted by rarrjay at 1:41 AM
Words are meaningless without action. Actions are fruitless if they're not done with sincerity, truthfulness, selflessness, and love.